Earn money online in Nepal without investment

Today, I am going to show you top 10 online earning websites in Nepal. These websites are also for online earning for students. And, these websites are free and you can earn here without investment. And These websites are genuine earning website and free online earning websites and here you can earn with google and by paying games also.

DLs Links

 DLs links is a very high earning and very easy to use website. This website can be used by youtuber, blogger and social media influencer. This website is fully verified and high earnable online website. DLs link website can be used by any person it’s a process like referring others and earning. 

(Visit this site)            

How can we earn through DLs link?

In this website we have to shorten link and earn. In simple language, if you want to share a link to anyone we can shorten link here and you can share them that link If someone click in that link you will earn. The user will access to that website but before that the user will see many ads but it is not user friendly.

Why will DLs link pay you?

If you share link by shorting here in this website and if someone click in it, you will earn.

When someone will click in that link the user will see many Ads and through that Ad you will get revenue of 70% and you can earn.

Paid in?

You will be paid in Dollars$.

Payment method:

·       Esewa (In Nepal)

·       Paytm

·       Paypal e.t.c


Freelancing is a platform where you get to done many projects given by other people in this platform. In simple language, freelancer is a website where you have to do project and you will earn for that.

In freelancing you can also give project to other to solve your problem about any factor and you can also do other project and you can earn money.

People of any country can do project and also give project to anyone and project can be done by anyone.

(visit this site)

There are many freelancing websites like:

·       Freelancer.com

·       fiverr.com e.t.c

How can we earn in Freelancer?

In these website, You can see here many projects given by people and you can choose your category or choose that category where you are an expert. Then, you will see many projects related to category which you chose. After that, you have to choose project in which you want to work and you can get full information about it there. After you complete your project you will be paid.

Why Freelancer will pay you?

You will not paid directly by this website by the Person on this platform who will give you that project to be done. And, you can charge as your desire.

 Paid in?

Here, you will be paid in dollar$

Payment method:

You can choose payment method by dealing with the project giver from there.


Blogging is the process of sharing your experience or your information through website. But, here you do not have to do coding like in making a website.

In blogging you can share anything. The information or webpage that we see while searching in Google they all are blogs.

In blogging you can buy domain or you can also choose free blog making website like Blogger. Blogging websites:

·       Wordpress

·       Blogger

·       Wix e.t.c

In these website you can make your own site without coding, you can get free theme and framework from where you can make website easily.

(Visit This site)

How can we earn through blogging?

You can earn here by sharing anything that you know or sharing your experience. If you get more traffic in your blog you will be paid highly.

You can monetize your blog with:

·       Google Ad sense

·       Affiliate marketing

·       Fly out e.t.c

And, from other platforms too.

Why blogger pay you?

We all know that 99% of revenue of Google is generated by Google Ads.

And, Google pay you of Ads by Google show its ads on your blog and you will be paid of Pay per click and Pay per impressions and you can also monetize with other platforms too.

Payment method:

You can choose your bank in your Adsense account and you will be paid in your bank account monthly.


Youtube is the very large platform of Google to earn money online. Here, you have to upload your video which can be related to any category and your final goal have to get more traffic.

(Visit this Site)

How can we earn through Youtube?

We can earn here by  uploading video and google will show ads in your videos and through that ads you will get money.

You can monetize your video by:

  •        Affiliate marketing
  •        Ad sense
  •        Sponsorship
  •        Branding e.t.c


You will be paid in Dollars$

You can choose your bank in your Adsense account and you will be paid in your bank account monthly.

Facebook page

We all know that facebook is the world largest social media platform. So, you can earn here by creating page and connecting many people with your page.

(ViSit this site)

How can we earn through Facebook page?

You can earn here by creating facebook page and connecting many people with your page by uploading useful contents.

Then, you can deal with many company or other people for showing Ads there and for that you got paid or you can also join sponsors there.


You will be paid directly by the advertiser and you can earn money for advertisement.

Social media Influencer

Social media influencer is a person of social media who posts Ads about any product or other things in his/her social media wall and for that social media influencer charges for that.

You can influence product on social medias like:

  •        Tik tok
  •        Facebook
  •        Instagram
  •        Linked in
  •        pinterest
  •        Twitter e.t.c

How can we earn by social media influencing?

You can earn here by being followed by many people and making reach of the specific product to many people and for that the sponsor pay very large amount of  money to social media influencer.

Earning in social influencer:

If you have 100k follower you can charge 10 lakhs


You will be paid directly by the sponsors or advertisers.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is very famous earning platform. There are many

E-commerce platform in Nepal. You have to refer the product and for that the e-commerce will pay you some commission.

How can we earn by affiliate marketing?

You can earn here by referring the product of that e-commerce and for that you will be paid some percent commission of that product. You can share that referring link to any platform like:

  •         Youtube
  •        Blogs
  •        Facebook page
  •        Tik tok
  •        Instagram e.t.c

Some e-commerce that also supports affiliate marketing like:


You can know the commission on each product from the website of that e-commerce.

You will be paid directly in your bank.

Digital marketing

Digital marketing is the most widely done marketing. In simple language, you have to do marketing of the company products and many things Digitally. You can market your product online and for that you will get payment from google Adsense and from the sponsors and advertisers.

Sectors or branches of digital marketing:

  •        Blogging
  •        Youtube
  •        Affiliate marketing
  •        Ads expert
  •        SEO e.t.c.

There are more than thousands of jobs on digital marketing and from that people can earn lakhs monthly.

Digital marketer is one who controls whole online companies and all things related to these factors.

You can monetize Digital marketing service by:

  •        Google Adsense
  •        Sponsorship
  •        Advertisement
  •        Doing job in companies
  •        Here you can work from home and earn


Bitcoin is not a website it is a crypto currency you can earn bitcoin by mining them from bitcoin miners or trading of it.

(Know about it)

How can we earn Bitcoin?

Bitcoin can be earned by website (To know how to earn it click here) or you can also do trading here by you can buy bitcoin when its price decreases and you can sell it when it increases and you can gain profit from there.

Bitcoin rate in Nepal

1 btc = 1300000 (almost 13 lakhs)

 Some bitcoin trading websites:

·       Blockchain.com

·       Coinbase.com e.t.c


You can get payment here Payeer because Payeer is accepted in Nepal and from there you send it on your e-wallets and banks from it.


Picoin is also a developing cryptocurrency. It is developed by Stanford PHDs and it is developing phase therefore, you can't withdraw now but when it will be developed I think you can earn crores from here.

It is also like a bitcoin. When bitcoin was also on developing phase people was taking it lightly. So, when picoin also will got developed you can earn here.

(Know more about picoin)

How can we earn Picoin ?

For earning picoin you have to download app named picoin and your mining will be started.


Hey guys, after reading this article I think you know all webstites from where you can earn money online easily in Nepal. 

So, guys please share it to your friends to give information about these fields to earn online in Nepal.

Also checkout my other posts on this website too.

Note: These all websites are fully verified by Google therefore, you can access to them without hesitation.



















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