How to get your first project on Freelancer

Get project on

I shared here best method to get your first project on freelancer, fiverr, upwork and other freelancing platforms. To get your first project in these freelancing websites you have to do many things and you have to care about many things. And, I am sharing here method to get your project on freelancer only but, you can try them on all websites and you can earn money through freelancer by doing projects of other people from many countries.

Only select that categories in which you are best and in which you are expert.

You also have to give your payment method on the freelancing account. It will help in the ranking of your placed bid and the project giver will easily access that.

First of all, you have to see the latest projects given.

You have to select only the projects which are about 1min ago or the latest projects.

Try  to be first bid placer in any projects.

You have to be online for a long time on freelancer and observe and place bid on that project which you think you can do it.

You have to place bid righty like in description you have to type that words and things which will impact the project giver and also write that things which can make the project giver believe that you can do it. And, take care about that you write very short and sweet things in description box.

After placing bid correctly you have to wait for the message of the project giver.

When you get reply you have to reply very politely and ask about project details.
After that, you will definitely get the project.

Work fast and effectively to impress him/ her and earn money.

So, work from home on freelancing website and earn money easily.

Please share this page to your friends and relatives who are interested in work from home and earning money online.



























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